
dijous, 19 d’agost del 2010

Llegint el periòdic: il·lustracions / Leyendo el periódico: ilustraciones / Reading the newspaper: illustrations

Aquest estiu fins i tot els animals lligen. Mireu quina atenció lectora tenen! Tots llegint el periòdic per a estar ben informats. S'he fixat que cadascú llig un periòdic diferent? Suposem que després se l'intercanvien, perquè és molt important contrastar la informació.

Aquestes magnífiques i superlectores il·lustracions són de Nicky Broster.

4 comentaris:

  1. Hello! I have dreamt of such a blog! I found it a couple of days ago and I have so much to see and read now... Just wanted to tell you that what you are doing is great! I suppose it costs you probably a lot of time and energy, but there's love. Thank you! And these reading animals are so sweet...:)

  2. Hello! Glad you happen to have visited the blog and you liked it. Always a pleasure to share (that is the goal of the blog: sharing, disseminating and encouraging). You also have a very interesting blog. Thank you for your kind words.
    This blog is published in Catalan, but you can use the Google translator is on the left bar of the blog.
    From now ... together by the arts and illustration.
    Kiss / Besadetes

  3. Thank you for the nice words and for welcoming me to your blog! I'll follow it with an interest!
