
dijous, 24 de març del 2011

Amor: il·lustracions de Peter Mitchev / Love: illustrated by Peter Mitchev

L'amor, un sentiment que sembla que a la primavera esclata per tot arreu. Les il·lustracions de Peter Mitchev presenten les relacions de parella sota una perspectiva original. Ens agrada, sobretot, les il·lustracions en que sobresurten les tonalitats blaves. Què us sembla?

5 comentaris:

  1. Hello, Salvia! You are doing an amazing work to discover talented artists all over the world! I can't stop admiring you! I didn't know Peter Mitchev's art, although I'm a Bulgarian. I like his style, the themes and the use of colours...I'm very much impressed, thank you! I shall go now to find something more about him in Internet(in Bulgarian).
    I wrote you once about this contemporary Bulgarian artist, but maybe you've missed my comment... Yassen Gyuzelev - http://www.iassen.com/

    Wishing you ALL THE BEST!

  2. Muy bueno, pero ¿pelín repetitivo tal vez? (es solo una apreciación).

  3. Hello "guapa"! The Bulgarian artist I discovered recently. As you've guessed, had lost the link Yassen (a marvel of illustrations). Thanks.

    Kisses / Besadetes

  4. Juan, el tenma es recurrente, però tiene otros temas que no he colocado aquúi. WEstos cuadros han sido pintados a lo largo de varios años.

    Compartimos miradas al arte!


  5. Wonderful
    thank you for sharing
