Revista d'il·lustració als llibres infantils i juvenils
Sàlvia, la teua tasca és encoratjadora.... endavant
Thank you, Salvia!!! What extraordinary moments in these photos!!! I love seeing a child who reads!If HCAndersen only knew that every year his name is mentioned on 2rd of April all around the world...:)
Me encantan las fotografías. Son preciosas
Sàlvia, la teua tasca és encoratjadora.... endavant
ResponEliminaThank you, Salvia!!! What extraordinary moments in these photos!!! I love seeing a child who reads!
ResponEliminaIf HCAndersen only knew that every year his name is mentioned on 2rd of April all around the world...:)
Me encantan las fotografías. Son preciosas